Saturday, May 16, 2009

where troubles melt like lemondrops

The sun was sparkling over the Mediterranean as we strolled down the path from one postcard-perfect village to the next.  We stopped for coffee at a tiny cafe literally hanging over the side of the cliff and watched as, further down the path, some fellow-walkers abandoned their hike for an improputu swim. Was there anything, we pondered, that could make already-magical Cinque Terre feel more like wonderland? 

Well, how about a pair of playful butterflies, flittering around us as we walked? Oh, yes, we had those too. 


Somedays you just get lucky. 


Alice x 

P.S. More on Cinque Terre coming soon, as well as London, Cambridge, York, Epernay, Versailles, Bruges and Amsterdam! Oh la la, the places I have been lately - scarcely time to breathe. And with summer just around the corner, too... 

1 comment:

  1. Sounds lovely. Can't wait to hear more about your other adventures.
