Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Is that spring I see peeping out from behind that cloud?

"Just living is not enough. One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower." 
(Hans Christian Anderson) 

The past few days have seemed as though someone has flicked a switch in Paris - the sun is shining, the clouds have disappeared, and I've almost forgotten how devastatingly cold it was only a few short weeks ago

The beautiful, blissful sunshine is making me see everything in a different light, and I've been pulling out my camera to take photos of everything and anything, even buildings I've walked past every day for the past 6 months: 

St Germain de Pres

The newfound warmth has also brought the Parisians out from their winter hibernations - the Jardin du Luxembourg was crammed on Sunday morning with people just like me gasping wonderingly at the weather, and smiling a little. 

Jardin du Luxembourg 1

It's funny how sunshine can make you smile. 

Keep it up, weatherman. 

Alice x 


  1. Today it's a balmy -4 degrees celsius or 25 degrees Fahrenheit outside ugh... You've inspired me to travel. These are beautiful images.

  2. The weather is like this today. Making me smile as well :)
